Using The Personal Values Card Sort Method To Set Goals

Eleanor Foxx
3 min readNov 11, 2020

No matter how much we discover, human brains remain a complex mystery to most. There isn’t an exact explanation for everything we do or don’t do, much as we may try to find it. A common question people as is, “Why?” Why are we here? What’s the purpose? There isn’t an answer, but there are steps to take to sort out your values to live a better life.

The Personal Values Card Sort Method

In 2001, The University of New Mexico developed and put out a ‘Personal Values’ Card sorting method. These cards can be located online and printed (with some cutting involved). Once everything is in order, there should be 83 different possible values to choose from. Try not to look over any of them ahead of time. Sorting should be done as judgment-free as possible.

Sorting Your Cards

The cards come with three extra category cards to help with the sorting. The idea is to handle and read each card physically, but do so quickly and try not to second guess. Sorting by hand will allow your brain to subconsciously draw to the proper category. Spend no more than 3 seconds on a card, if possible. Once finished, there will be three piles in front of you. Go ahead and remove the ‘Not important’ pile entirely from the equation.

Narrowing It Down

The next step is to go through the remaining two sections and select the top 5 from each category. It may take a few look overs…



Eleanor Foxx

Freelance Blog & Article Writer; Tech, Lifestyle, Beauty